Crawling bugs can be an incredible nuisance when they've set foot on your property. They enter your home or business through different openings like gaps and crevices on your doors, windows, and through cracks in your foundation, just to name a few. A good perimeter pest control service can effectively prevent bugs and insects from entering your home or business by creating a protective barrier around your property.

You can also take steps to prevent bugs from entering your home or business by keeping leaves off your lawn, repairing screens, and taking other preventative measures. Continue reading to learn more about how you can keep bugs from entering your indoor space.

How Bugs Like Ants, Spiders, & Crickets Enter Your Home or Business

Ants invading a home in Elkhart, IN through a crack in the foundation.

Openings on your property like tiny cracks in the foundation and poorly sealed windows are some of the most common ways that bugs like ants, spiders, silverfish, firebrats, millipedes, centipedes, earwigs, and crickets can enter your home or business. They can also get in through poorly hung doors, cables, vents, exhaust fittings, ripped screens, and even through your chimney.

Perimeter pest control targets the areas where pests come in.

Pests become an incredible nuisance once they enter your home or business. The way to tackle this issue is to prevent them from getting inside in the first place. The best way to do that is to sign up for a perimeter pest control service. When you sign up for this service, a professional company will come out and spray a pesticide around the perimeter of your home or business, specifically targeting areas where pests like to enter. This will create a barrier around your property that pests will not be able to cross.

Make Your Property Inhospitable for Pests

Pile of leaves being raked during yard cleanup to avoid pests.

Pests like to hide in cool and dark places, and your property can have a lot of those. Preventing these critters from getting inside your home or business is a tough task, but to make it easier, you'll want to discourage them from coming onto your property in the first place. Aside from signing up for a perimeter pest control service, here are some ways you can make your property inhospitable and unattractive for pests:

  • Keep your yard clean - Piles of leaves left on your lawn are attractive to pests as they provide wet and dark areas for them to live in.
  • Repair screens and check for gaps - Regularly check and repair tears in your window and door screens since bugs can easily wiggle their way into your home or business.
  • Check your dryer vents - Make sure dryer vents are not stuck open with lint and debris, as bugs love to hide in these areas.
  • Hire a contractor for severe window and door issues - Some repairs on windows and doors can be done DIY, like caulking and adding a door sweep, but some extreme issues may require you to call a contractor.
  • Get pest control services - Professional pest control service providers know what to do to keep the creepy crawlers away.

Scheduling a yard cleanup is a great way to ensure that your property is free of leaves and other debris.

Call us to schedule our perimeter pest control services!

Pests are the last thing you want to deal with on your property. With our team at Grow Pros Lawn Care, LLC' providing perimeter pest control service, you can rest easy knowing your home or business has protections in place to keep pests away. Our award-winning team is dedicated to preventing unwanted critters from taking over your property.

Our services are available to residential, commercial, and HOA properties in Elkhart, Granger, South Bend, IN and throughout the surrounding areas. Give us a call today at (574) 326-3526 to schedule our perimeter pest control service.