Obviously, you don't want to kill your lawn this summer. That's the last thing any property owner desires. You care too much about your grass and have spent more than enough time nurturing it this spring. Have no fear! In the following paragraphs, we give you all the advice you need about proper watering, mowing, and fertilization to keep your grass alive in the heat.

Keep your grass hydrated.

We all need to drink enough water to be at our best in the summer heat. Your lawn is no different. Keep your grass hydrated if you want it to not only survive but thrive this summer. Grass in northern IN requires 1 to 1.5 inches of water per week to flourish. This amount of water adequately saturates your lawn's root system. Less water leaves your grass thirsting for more, while more water drowns it.

It is best to water your yard once or twice per week in the early morning hours when temperatures are cooler, the wind is more subdued, and sun exposure is minimal. Your lawn will tell you if it needs water. Hallmark signs of a parched yard include browning, wilting, and frailty. Hydrated turf stands up quickly after you walk over it, while dehydrated turf regains its upright posture more slowly.

We highly recommend watering your lawn before 10 a.m. so that you can maximize your water use and minimize the effects of evaporation.

Mow at the Right Height & With Proper Technique

A short, summer haircut looks good on many people. It does not look good on your lawn. Mowing your grass at the right height and with proper technique will help it power through the summer heat. Short, scalped grass cannot absorb as much sunlight, and therefore cannot produce as much energy, due to a reduction in its surface area. This weakens your grass and increases its vulnerability to common adversaries, such as weeds, disease, and insects. By scalping your lawn, you could unknowingly contribute to its demise.

Longer grass, on the other hand, can produce the energy to establish a deep root network and grow densely. It also shades the soil, cooling it and helping prevent weed growth. When you mow your lawn, you should never remove more than 1/3 of the grass blade. This is called the 1/3 rule and will enable your turf to enjoy healthy, sustained growth. The most common grasses in northern Indiana, Kentucky bluegrass and fescue, should stay around 2.5 to 3.5 inches in length.

A few other summer mowing tips include:

  • Mow your grass in different directions to keep it looking tall and fresh while preventing rut formation.
  • Mow your grass when it is dry.
  • Avoid mowing your grass in the middle of the day when it is fully exposed to the sun.
  • Allow grass clippings to remain in your yard. They serve as a nutritious fertilizer.

Fertilizer nourishes your lawn.

Fertilizer nourishes your lawn and helps it stay strong and healthy even amid the summer heat. Fertilizer contains a combination of three key nutrients — nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium — that allows your cool-weather grass to establish strong roots, become green and dense, and withstand natural threats like drought and disease.

Slow-release fertilizers provide sustained nutrition to your turf and are applied in tandem with weed control solutions to prevent weed formation. Fertilizer should be applied at specific times before, during, and after the summer, but you must use the correct amount. Overfertilization can kill your grass, while under-fertilization can deprive your grass of vital nutrients. We want your lawn to make it to the fall healthy and happy.

We can help keep your grass alive!

At Grow Pros Lawn Care, LLC, we are lawn care and landscape professionals who understand what it takes for your turf in northern Indiana to thrive in the summer heat. If you are concerned about your turf making it through the summer in Elkhart, Granger, South Bend, IN, or surrounding areas, we can help ease your anxiety. You have nothing to worry about when you have our team on your side fighting to keep your grass alive. Call us today at (574) 326-3526 to schedule any of our services, including fertilization, weed control, and core aeration. We look forward to helping you!